Archive | February, 2011

And they called it truffle love. . .

Chocolate Without Guilt

Last week I started my very own national celebration. Actually, I think I’ll call it my very own international celebration since I have some readers outside the United States. I named that celebration: Chocolate Without Guilt Week. First, let me be very clear that I never feel guilty when I eat chocolate. Chocolate, for me, […]

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Wine & Chocolate

Sometimes get-away weekends are more relaxing than leaving town for an extended stay. On Saturday morning my husband and I took off for a celebratory weekend at the Ashby Inn in Paris, Virginia. I wanted to tell my friends I’d be celebrating my birthday in Paris this year. On the way, we decided to do […]

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Hot chocolate

Eat Only What You Can Savor

True confession: my love affair with chocolate began with Little Debbie Nutty Bars. You know, those long wafer-like cookies filled with fake peanut butter dipped in chocolate. Yes, I loved those crunchy bars of peanut butter wonder. Heck, I was a kid. What did I know about chocolate? There wasn’t a whole lot of chocolate […]

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