Savor Moments as Much as You Savor Flavor A few weeks ago I experienced one of those surreal transitions that you refrain from pondering too closely, for fear you’ll be consumed by a grief too large to contain. It was time to move my dad into an assisted living facility. Now there’s one thing you […]
Culinary Terms of Endearment

Tags: best BBQ in Colorado, cinnamon chocolate torte, foodie finds, healthy chocolate cake
Cup of Tea

My life work is teaching people how to prepare elegantly simple foods that are both healthy and delicious. My life love is chocolate. When I can find a way to combine the two, I get very excited. This morning I enjoyed a cup of Tisano Cacao Tea. It was delighful, from start to finish. When […]
Tags: chocolate tea, coffee substitute, delicious hot beverage, tea
Wine & Chocolate

Sometimes get-away weekends are more relaxing than leaving town for an extended stay. On Saturday morning my husband and I took off for a celebratory weekend at the Ashby Inn in Paris, Virginia. I wanted to tell my friends I’d be celebrating my birthday in Paris this year. On the way, we decided to do […]
Tags: Ashby Inn, Chef Tarver King, chocolate, Linden Vineyards, relaxing get-away weekend in Virginia, wine tasting
Eat Only What You Can Savor

True confession: my love affair with chocolate began with Little Debbie Nutty Bars. You know, those long wafer-like cookies filled with fake peanut butter dipped in chocolate. Yes, I loved those crunchy bars of peanut butter wonder. Heck, I was a kid. What did I know about chocolate? There wasn’t a whole lot of chocolate […]
Tags: chocolate, savor chocolate, top chocolate finds, unique chocolate treats, unique Valentine gifts
Just What the Doctor Ordered

Food and mood—that’s the topic I began to write about for my Conscious Bites Newsletter this morning. It was a slow but sweet start. I work a little slower on Saturdays. First I make myself a tall glass of electric green juice. Some start their day with java. I prefer a green jolt. Next, I […]
Tags: chocolate, chocolate fix, fan page, food and mood