Are you feeling ENERGIZED, INSPIRED and CONFIDENT in the kitchen?
I didn’t think so.
That’s why I designed this teleclass series.
My clients were saying things like this:
“I just made myself a quinoa dinner with black beans, left over sweet potato chunks, kale, and spinach. But then I mixed in curry AND tumeric AND cumin because I have no idea which is which and what does what. It tasted pretty good but I’d sure love to know what I’m doing in this department.”
And this:
“A class that I personally would LOVE to participate in would be a class on how to use spices. I have this pantry full of wonderful spices and oils with no real sense of how to use any of them, let alone COMBINE them … and in what ratio, etc.”
And this:
“It’s got to be EASY. I am so overwhelmed with the whole kitchen experience. I want to eat better and have some FUN in my kitchen but I just can’t seem to get organized or motivated.”
I take a lot for granted in this LOVE WHAT YOU EAT world of mine. Yes, I’ve invested loads of time and lots of money in culinary courses and training but truly, my culinary skills were cultivated in my grandmother’s kitchen.
Things bubbled in that kitchen. The minute you entered, you were in for a sensory adventure. Grandma had a great big iron skillet on top of her stove. She’d throw a couple drops of water into the pan to see if the temperature was right and those drops would dance around the pan—hip hop in a skillet. Then came the garlic. My grandmother used garlic in just about everything she cooked.
Except maybe her lemon cake.
While most of the children in my neighborhood were feasting on very white, very soft Wonder Bread slathered with peanut butter and oozing grape jelly, I was enjoying big slices of crusty homemade Italian bread with sautéed spinach and garlic. To this day, the aroma of garlic brings me right back to my grandmother’s kitchen.
My palate has evolved over the years and I have experimented with more diets and nutritional systems that I care to count. But after all that eating and all that experimenting you might say,
I’ve come full circle.
I’m right back in my Grandmother’s kitchen using a
sprinkle, splash, swirl & savor™ approach
to culinary bliss.
And yes, I fully understand that this is NOT THE NORM. My clients tell me their eyes glaze over when they try to interpret, or, God forbid, adapt a recipe.
If this is you…
√ eyes glazed over when you gaze at a cookbook, a recipe, or the produce aisle at your local market
√ food rotting away in your refrigerator because it looked good on the produce stand or in your CSA (community supported agriculture) basket but you never got around to preparing it. (What was it, anyway?)
√ dill (or is that cilantro?) sitting expectantly in your vegetable bin
√ a dozen cookbooks on your shelf with pretty pictures and dozens of recipes you’ve never attempted
√ good intentions in the kitchen but very little follow through when it comes to actually preparing the meal
√ a genuine desire to elevate your kitchen experience…or, at the very least, your culinary curiosity
You need me, darling. Hit the “register now” button and I will help you
master the art of preparing seriously simple,
DELICIOUSLY wholesome meals.
six weeks—delivered via telephone, email & right here, on a password protected page
Clueless in the Kitchen (No More!)
via tele-conference and email
Can’t make the “live” calls?
No worries. I send you the recording the very next day.
Our next session begins on March 20th
6 scrumptious weeks!
Investment: $397
Who this course is for:
This course is for anyone who eats. I don’t know about you, but I learn something new every time I open a cookbook, bask in the glorious food photos on my favorite blog, or listen to The Splendid Table as I’m driving down the road. You need only a desire to experiment in your kitchen and a wide open mind and heart.
Who this course is NOT for:
This course is not for you if you…
• have a million reasons why you can’t (won’t) prepare a home cooked meal
• would never consider purchasing organic produce or a bottle of exotic vinegar
• do not have a working kitchen (i.e. Your stove top holds the mail.)
• are afraid of the word quinoa
What we’ll cover…
• kitchen tools (52 ways to use a potato peeler to create sensational salads)
• kitchen essentials
• herbs, spices and zest appeal
• flavors that push
• flavors that pull
• flavor balancing
• the anatomy of a 10-Minute Meal, and more
I’ll show you how to tease out the flavors in food so that you don’t have to spend loads of time preparing sauces and spice rubs and costly concoctions that disguise the food instead of enhancing it. (This is where Grandma comes in.)
We’ll test recipes, make mistakes and discover the nuances in flavoring simple food as we sprinkle, splash, swirl & savor™ our way through the kitchen.
What we WON’T cover…
The oxygen radical absorption capacity in a gogi berry.
The glycemic index in a slice of watermelon.
The calorie count in your anniversary dinner.
How many fat grams there are in a “skinny” latte.
You can be a culinary rock star without knowing any of that.
In fact, your meals will be even MORE flavorful when you get out of your head and back to the…
nature of the food you eat
This series is all about pleasure…and permission…and elevating the eating experience with a fresh look at what it means to plan and prepare seriously SIMPLE meals so that, on occasion, you’ll be more inclined to tackle a more intricate recipe.
What you get. . .
~ a collection of over 100 mouthwatering recipes to explore on a password protected page
~ a glovebox grocery list™ that we construct together
~ planning sheets and eBooks
~ a private Facebook forum with my undivided attention (I tend deeply.)
~ an MP3 recording of each call
~ additional surprises
My Promise
I guarantee that if you show up for each class, open your mind and heart, and play full out you will have the tools you need to feel more ENERGIZED, INSPIRED, and CONFIDENT in ALL of your culinary adventures. This is not a weight loss program but you WILL learn how to nourish yourself with whole foods. Basically, we create the “conditions” for weight release as we lean into healthier ways to prepare meals. As an added bonus, you will also enjoy some of my Conscious Bites Concepts.
This culinary expedition will honor a flexitarian approach to nourishment. The principles are universal. My personal diet is filled with fresh, ripe, raw, organic fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, and small amounts of animal protein when my body calls for it. No rules, just pure, unbridled intention. Oh, and be prepared to fall in love with greens. And chocolate.
Still on the fence?
Send me a note and we’ll hop on the phone to see if this is a good fit for you.
Clueless in the Kitchen (No More!)
via tele-conference and email
Can’t make the “live” call?
No worries. I send you the recording the very next day.
Our next session begins March 20th
6 scrumptious weeks!
Investment: $397
Enthusiastic Endorsements

For those of you who believed me all the times I said, “I can’t cook” … turns out, I LIED! The culinary adventures continue at Cuddle House. Much smiling. Much experimenting. Much use of the word … YUM!! occurring. All yummy recipes compliments of my awesome culinary nutrition coach, Sue Ann Gleason (a.k.a. She of Much Awesomeness). Having SO much fun with all of this. TONIGHT, Em and I are making Miso Soup … or as I like to call it “Me So Yummy” Soup.
Cris Gladly | Orlando, Florida

What a blessing to have been introduced to you and your brilliance Sue Ann!
I love awakening to an infusion of lovely supportive wisdom from you. I am happy to report the evening wine and morning coffee has not been a part of my life this week and my body absolutely feels leaner. Also, I have started to work out with weights in my basement, slowly and with intention. I am hoping that I can keep this as a regular habit. I can’t wait to add all these healthy food choices to my day. My intention is finally, after 55 years, to appreciate and LOVE the body I live in. Love your brilliant energy and wisdom. Looking forward to our continuing journey together!!
Nancy Medwell | Seattle, Washington
The Before aka Clueless Me: A bachelorette stuck in The Mother of All Culinary Ruts. Which means I ate the same old same old, day in and day out. I even fell into the KFC abyss one dark and stormy night. Horrors!
The After aka Clued-In Me: A bachelorette immersed in A Culinary Renaissance. Which means I now dance around my kitchen whilst whipping up easy yet deliciously nutritious recipes for me and my friends. My latest love: Raw Chocolate Milkshakes for breakfast! Hurrah!
Sue Ann, thank you for sprinkling your unique, soulful magic into my kitchen. You are truly one-of-a-culinary-kind.
Michelle DeSpain | Phoenix, Arizona
I wanted to thank you for the wonderful six-week Clueless in the Kitchen program. Much more than the fantastic and gentle guidance about new foods and methods to experiment with, for me, it was your incredible and loving style that assisted me in loving myself more. You are so nurturing in all your communications with your students, which I admire and appreciate.
In addition to becoming more adventurous in my food delights, I feel a grace around preparing and serving myself. I look forward to our continued relationship and additional courses. You are a priceless gem!
Thank you again for delivering so much more than I thought I would receive in the course.
Joanie Geller | Charlotte, North Carolina
I was the consummate “single woman.” It was typical in my house to hear echoes in the fridge. I remember when I first spoke with Sue Ann, explaining to her that it wasn’t that I didn’t like to cook, I didn’t like to cook for just myself. I could find pleasure in cooking for others. This was where my biggest change occurred. I realized that my “lifestyle” could and should be conducive to healthy living.
Sue Ann helped me realize that cooking for one can be easy and fun. When I began the first course, Clueless in the Kitchen, I was very focused on addressing health concerns, but in my second enrollment, the Well-Nourished Women Inner Circle, my motivation became more holistic. Upon my first visit to MOM’s organic market, I felt like a visitor in a foreign land, now it’s my favorite store! In the past, I would never have thought about purchasing a mandolin let alone counting the days until it arrived on my doorstep!
Sue Ann helped me realize the excitement of nourishing my body as well as my soul. I’ve given up certain habits that were not beneficial to me (coffee and SweeTarts and sporadic eating, oh my!) and replaced them with healthier options and keeping the rhythm. The nurturing and supportive environment that is created through the classes gave me the encouragement to celebrate the little victories. I’ve made a lot of positive changes to focus on taking exquisite care of myself. Thank you, Sue Ann!
Stacy Woycheck | College Park, Maryland

Every month, my daughter and I spend two days in the hospital while she gets infusion treatments for her juvenile arthritis. While it completely sucks to put her through this, it’s a necessary evil. One of the toughest parts of it is staying strong and emotionally stable (without sleep) in order to help her get through it. I am so thankful, Sue Ann, for all that I have learned about listening to and nourishing my body. This time, I brought a cooler with steel cut oats (complete with fruit, walnuts, nut butter and almond milk), snacks and Moroccan quinoa. Instead of being starving and edgy, as is usually the case, I felt nourished, satisfied and much better able to cope with the emotional roller coaster and stress that these treatments have on my daughter. I am eternally grateful.
Dawn Veselka | Orlando, Florida
I have so enjoyed my time with you Sue Ann. Clueless in the Kitchen is one of the best things I have done for myself in a very long time. I am eating better and paying even more attention to how I support myself. I learned that food can be joyful and fun to prepare and that it doesn’t have to take a lot of time. That healthy can also mean delicious. That I can play and create wonderful food. Flavor balancing is my FAVORITE new thing!
I look forward to looking for new recipes and planning for good food. Thank you for sharing your joy, enthusiasm and encyclopedic knowledge with us. It truly has been a life changer.
Melani Marx | Ashland, Oregon
Thank you so much Sue Ann. You really are a fairy godmother goddess!!!
I’m actually savoring food more and eating a tiny bit more slowly ~ this has happened automatically, like it’s finally sunk in from the Well-Nourished Woman journey we began last autumn.
I love cooking and this encouraged me to try more recipes that would last over my busy days, e.g. the zucchini lasagna. I look forward to diving into more of the recipes, especially the herbs and spices. My herbs are coming up in the garden now!
Judith Nasse | Taos, New Mexico

What I’ve enjoyed the most from your program is the inspiration to try new ways of looking at the food that goes into my body (especially around eating organic) and giving myself permission to NOT have every dinner meal be about meat, potatoes and a vegetable (my family model). I cannot believe that I actually enjoy eating a sweet potato with nothing but some freshly squeezed lime and a sprinkle of cinnamon. Thanks so much, Sue Ann.
Victoria Porter | Bethesda, Maryland
I didn’t really know what to expect when I entered the Conscious Bites Campus, I just knew that when the Well-Nourished Woman Inner Circle experience ended I wasn’t ready to stop. Clueless in the Kitchen was the perfect extension.
The private Facebook group was a great place to interact and enjoy suggestions, struggles and humor from the other participants. It was also a wonderful way for Sue Ann to continue to nudge and support us with her wisdom and positivity from afar.
I’m more confident to try new foods and recipes and . . . I love the Conscious Bites Concepts. They are an inspiration and they keep me focused. My family loves all the new recipes. They appreciate the vibrant foods they are eating. Heartfelt gratitude for you and your program, Sue Ann. I am inspired by your work.
Sharon Kossler | Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia